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Migrating from Wordpress to Webflow

Partipost was running on Wordpress before converting to Webflow because of their heavy CMS content that drives most of the traffic to their website. But they needed a fresher look to be aligned with their new branding.

Website Design
Webflow CMS
Mobile Responsive
UX/UI Design
User Research
User Personas
User Journey Map
scores across all 4 Google PageSpeed Insights metrics
of 5
CSAT score
The Problem

With a new and refreshed look, Partipost came to us to redesign their website.

They were on the lookout for a more stable CMS system that will not slow down their website due to excessive usage of plugins.

One thing to note was that their overall page ranking is good and they do not want to lose any of the top ranked pages upon migration.

The Design Solution

Proposing to use Webflow for their new website was a breeze as it meets their requirement to achieve what they wanted.

Planning the full migration process has to be systematic due to the large number of CMS items in their current website. Captured all 900+ CMS item URLs so that we are able to do a simple 301 redirect on Webflow.

We rely on third party or API integrations that are vetted and marked safe by Webflow to develop the functionalities that Patipost needed.

The Outcome

Page load speed has definitely improved from their last Wordpress website.

Their marketing team from all over South East Asia are able to simultaneously create landing pages for each country respectively without waiting for a development team to design and develop a single landing page.

Research & Analysis

Establishing the new personas

One of the major change that took place in Partipost is the direction that they are moving into.

We have to take into account the kind of content that we will be publishing for the new website to cater to their new target audience but at the same time retain the essence of what Partipost actually is.

Partipost - Creating user persona
Partipost Slide 2
Design Phase

Creating the low-fidelity mockups on Figma

Learning about the personas allow us to design the wireframes around the data presented.

One of the challenges faced is that we have to cater to two different personas; the small business owners (end-users) and marketing agencies.

Partipost - Low Fidelity Mockups
Partipost - Creating mockups
Design Phase

Defining the theme to suit the new target persona

Keeping the personas in mind, we had to come up with a design that is fun, engaging and at the same time, does not lose their corporate aspect in brand messaging.

Creating design theme for Partipost
One of the page mockup for Partipost
Partpost Hi-Fidelity Mockup Section
Partipost Hi-Fidelity Mockup

Webflow vs Wordpress

A lot of our clients have been asking us if they should be using Webflow vs Wordpress. It's ok, we know how you feel.

While both Wordpress and Webflow are awesome web builders with almost similar functions, they are actually very different when creating websites. Understanding these differences would help you choose the web builder that you need.

Let's talk.

Schedule a call with us if you need any help regarding website design or Webflow. The least we can do is to give you good advice.

Free Website Audit.

We'll do a mini website audit for you and get the fundamentals ready for you to embark on your website redesign.