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Common Mistakes that Junior Web Designers Might Do

Mastering Web Design: Common Mistakes and Best Practices for Junior Web Designers

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Common Mistakes that Junior Web Designers Might Do

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So be it. Let it be known. We were there once when we just started creating websites for clients.

This process was created after our experience of developing and designing websites for our clients. And we want to share it with you guys so you can learn from us.

As a Webflow designer, I've witnessed common questions that beginners ask when delving into web design.

  1. What can I do to improve my website design?
  2. What steps should I take before I start on my Webflow project?
  3. How can I improve on my portfolio?

Understanding what needs to be done and adopting best practices can significantly elevate your design process and outcomes.

Here are some crucial points to consider before starting on your web design project:

Lack of preliminary design mockups

Designing on Figma before going to Webflow

One of the fundamental errors beginners make is diving directly into Webflow without first creating a design mockup in Figma or any other design tool. Designing blind in Webflow leads to a lack of direction and structure.

It's essential to sketch out a basic layout in Figma to establish the website's structure and flow before proceeding to Webflow. This approach provides a solid foundation for your design process and ensures coherence throughout.

Neglecting CSS naming structure

Neglecting CSS Naming Structure

Understanding Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) naming structure is vital for optimizing your site's performance and SEO. Beginners often overlook this aspect, leading to bloated CSS files and slower page load times. Adopting a systematic approach to CSS naming, such as BEM (Block, Element, Modifier), helps keep your codebase organized and efficient.

By following best practices in CSS naming, you'll improve maintainability and enhance your site's overall performance.

Inadequate attention to detail

Inadequate attention to details

Paying attention to detail is paramount in web design. Beginners often overlook small nuances that can significantly impact the user experience. Whether it's typography, spacing, or color schemes, every element contributes to the overall design. Take the time to refine and polish your design, ensuring consistency and coherence across all aspects of the website. Conduct thorough testing to identify and address any usability issues before launching your website.

Failure to design in iteration

Designing in iteration

Designing in iteration is key to refining and improving your website progressively. Do not be afraid of feedbacks.

Many beginners make the mistake of treating web design as a linear process, neglecting to revisit and iterate on their designs. Implementing a checklist system to track your progress and regularly revisiting your design ensures that all aspects of the website are thoroughly addressed. Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement, making adjustments and refinements throughout the design process rather than waiting until the end.


By addressing these common mistakes and adopting a more strategic and iterative approach to web design in Webflow, beginners can set themselves up for success.

Remember to start with a solid design mockup in Figma, adhere to best practices in CSS naming, design in iteration, and pay attention to detail throughout the process. With dedication and attention to detail, you'll create more efficient and effective websites that resonate with your audience.

And if you need any further help in web design, you can drop us a message

We will be more than willing to help aspiring designers to achieve success.

Last Updated
February 24, 2025
Web Design
Written By
Heng Wei Ci
Heng Wei Ci

After graduating from Business School, she finds herself meddling with UX/UI and discovered when design aligns with business goals, it opens up a lot of opportunities for businesses to thrive.

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