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Webflow: How localization can help rank your website

With Webflow's latest localization module, you can be sure to adapt your website design to the country's locale to help improve your ranking in Google. Customize and adapt your website to each country's locale to boost your sales and conversions.

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Webflow: How localization can help rank your website
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A localized website allows you and your business to reach more audience and ultimately, grow your business.

Growing your business outside of your own country (in this case, it's Singapore for us) can never be just a step towards designing a new website. It is never about just translating your website into their language. It's about understanding and creating new connections with each new locale you are entering into.

I bet some of you are thinking that Webflow's localization module is just about translating isn't it? For this, you have Weglot and Linguana.io.

Webflow's localization module allows you to do more than that. You can read about it here: https://webflow.com/localization

But anyway, we're here to talk about why you should think about localizing your website if you are planning to expand to other countries.

Competitive Advantage

Localisation allows you to connect with international audiences in a meaningful way, giving you an edge over competitors who may not cater to local nuances.


Market Relevance

By localising content, you ensure that your digital presence resonates with the cultural values and preferences of your target region, which increases relevance and user satisfaction.

Increased Conversions

Customised marketing and website experiences lead to higher engagement rates and can significantly boost conversions and sales in different locales.

Global Reach

Even as your brand reaches global audiences, localisation ensures that each user feels understood and appreciated on a personal level, fostering loyalty and repeat business.

Trust and Compliance

Localisation demonstrates your commitment to meeting local regulations and cultural expectations, thereby building trust with your customers and avoiding potential legal issues.

Last Updated
July 13, 2024

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