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How UX/UI can improve your website's conversions

Let's deep dive into how UX/UI can improve your website's conversion, gain new users and most importantly, builds trust in the long run.

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How UX/UI can improve your website's conversions
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In this new age world where design is just not about the aesthetics, we, as designers, are trained to solve problems. Real life problems. It has been an interesting journey here in Al-Faiz Design Group or ALF for short, how we managed to solve our clients' problems.

Problems that most of our clients faced include:

  1. Inconsistent Designs
  2. Lack of Conversions
  3. Lack of Awareness
  4. Bad User Experience

And guess what? This is a pretty common thing here in Singapore where UX is still relatively new here. But of course, with the help of the government through our education system and many UX agencies popping up, things are definitely looking up!

If you need a website audit, you can send your website link and a message by clicking this link here. The first one's on us. It's a promise!

How UX/UI can improve your website's conversions

Let's take a look at how UX/UI can improve your website's conversions

Having a clear and intuitive navigation

Having a clear and intuitive navigation improves conversion

I cannot stress this enough and this is the most important part of your website.

A well-structured navigation don't happen overnight. It takes someone or a designer to create a proper information architecture for your website to ensure that your website has clear labelling, logical group of content and proper guidance. This reduces friction and frustration amongst your users.

By guiding your users smoothly through your website, you increase the changes of them completing desired actions such as signing up for a service or making a purchase for e-commerce websites.

Harmonizing your website's visuals

Harmonizing your website's visuals can increase conversions

This has nothing to do with music, we promise!

More often that not, some designers are happy to use stock images and stock illustrations just to complete the website without realising the impact that it can bring to your users. This part of the process has to be done, quite often that not, in iteration. Conducting experiments, getting users' insights are some of the things that can be done to achieve the optimal design.

Trust us when we say that a website usually thrives on visual appeal and not just tons of informative content.

By harmonizing your visuals, it creates and attracts more attention and ultimately, encourages users to either make a purchase, sign up or subscribe.

Create clear Call-To-Action for your users

Create clear Call-to-Action buttons

We would want the message to be clear but at the same time, we have to take into considerations the design of your CTA (call-to-action) button. Doing A/B tests on this a crucial part of this process. Many organizations do this to increase their conversions.

Some of the actions taken include:

  1. Changing of button colour
  2. Changing of button text

You would be amazed as to how this subtle changes are able to create more conversions. So be aware of how your CTA button is going to look like.

Social Validation

Allow users to give comprehensive feedback

Adding reviews to your website can increase your conversions. But knowing where to put your reviews in your website can catapult your business to a different level. There is a difference between 30% increase and 60% increase in conversions. There are a few case studies involving customers' reviews and feedback.

Putting it at the bottom of the page or let it buried deep in your site, it might go unnoticed. So some organizations are placing it higher up in their website for immediate visibility resulting in more conversions.

Another way to increase your social standing in the internet is to allow users to give a more comprehensive feedback, share experiences with your company or sales team, highlight certain advantages when using your product. These small little details help to increase your website's conversions.


A little snippet of what's to come.

How to reduce inconsistent design issues in your website?

  1. Get your brand strategy going!
  2. Share the brand guidelines with your web/ux/graphics/motion designer. (yes there are a lot of designer types)
  3. Create a style guide before embarking on the design of your website
Last Updated
July 6, 2024

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